SD Data Logging for Any Application

The ArduinoLogger can be used alone for logging temperatures,
or use the serial interface to log time-stamped data
in any application. Advanced users can customize the source code to
integrate other sensor data directly in the Arduino environment.
- SD card slot for SD or uSD (with adapter) flash card,
push-in/push-out type.
- Battery backed Real Time Clock (DS1302) for adding timestamps to
- Temperature sensor (DS18B20) for local temperature measurements, plus
polarized header allows for easy addition of more external sensors.
- Voltage regulation (accepts 3.5 to 16v input) on aboard. Stuffing
option regulator allows wider voltage range with improved efficiency
and extra power for external components.
- 3.3 to 5v tolerant serial communication. Defaults to 9600 baud
(higher rates available).
- Arduino Pro based architecture, using the Atmel ATmega328 running
at 3.3v/16MHz.
- FTDI style serial header connector for upgrading or customizing
- LEDs to indicate power and SD card access, plus 2 user programmable LEDS
(used to indicate SD error, and RTC pulse on provided demo app).
- Full source code provided; customize to fit your need or use it as
- All signals brought out to 0.100” spaced headers for prototyping,
probing, or customization.
- Six spare microcontroller pins provided for digital I/O or analog
- 8ea 0.100” spaced unconnected holes available for prototype
additions such as a GPS module (see below).
- Power on/off switch to select external or USB (FTDI) power source.
- JST connector to supply power from battery, wall-wart, etc.
- Reset button.

Prototype Additions (GPS Example): Configured for GPS logging, great
for hiking or traveling of any
sort – logging position, elevation, distance traveled, etc by adding a
GPS module such as the

Serial DataLogger: Integrated as a serial slave for data logging in
the Orbduino Project.

FTDI Style Connection: Updating firmware with an FTDI USB/Serial
ArduinoLogger Software:
- Open Source (see link below).
- Use for stand-alone temperature logging or as a serial logger/slave from any device with 3.3-5v TTL RS-232 output.
- Easily configurable code to set logging frequency, file name, precision, etc.
- Write/append files with or without time stamp. File access date/time updates automatically.
- Simple serial interactive menu can be used directly/manually, or as a slave to your device.
Serial commands currently available:
h/?: Lists available commands
f: set File Name
a: append file with string
r: read file(arg is last X KBytes, def is 0/all)
d: Directory
m: manual temp log add
i: init SD Card
t: read rtc time
u: update rtc time
c: CD/WP bit status
New commands added regularly, also upon request

Bare Board
How to get The ArduinoLogger:
I have bare PCBs and fully assembled & tested boards available for
purchase. Please
contact me for details.
I’ve thought about making an SMT only version, and would like to
pursue that if there is interest. If you’re interested, please
contact me and let me know!
• Schematics
• ArduinoLogger Source code (v0.02)
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